Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not behind - FLYLady Style

Good morning!  Well, i guess it's hardly morning any more, but I'm finally ready for my day!

I had a really hard time motivating myself the last few days and getting work done.  By the end of the day yesterday, the kitchen was a mess, my office was a mess, I had no idea what to do for dinner (since I hadn't started it in the crock pot as planned), and I felt like a mess.  We had leftovers for dinner (yay leftovers) and took DS to the pool to play, we all had a great time!  But we went to bed that night with a still-messy kitchen, and I ended up "oversleeping" this morning! (At least much later than I wanted.)

So I got DS to daycare in time for breakfast this morning, ate breakfast, and caught myself goofing off again this morning - but I DID something about it!  I decided I need to do my evening routine (since I didn't do it last night), and my morning routine, then I can look at my day!

I did my evening routine in 50 minutes.  Here is what I did:
  • cleaned up the kitchen/washed dishes
  • started the dishwasher
  • shined the sink
  • spent 2 minutes picking up the living room
  • put away all folded laundry in the bedroom
  • brushed & flossed my teeth.
After that, I spent 10 quiet minutes in bed reading and praying.  That's part of my evening/bedtime routine, and I was doing it!

After that, I got up and did a modified morning routine:
  • put my shoes on (i was already dressed)
  • did my face & hair
  • made the bed
  • rotated laundry, folded & put away 1 load.
  • Checked my calendar (I'm not going to do all I wanted, but had factored in some down time this afternoon that, I guess, I already spent)
  • ate another breakfast (I was hungry after all that!)
  • started dinner in the crock pot.
So now I am finally ready to "start" my day.  Ready to work now, and I hope the rest of the morning and afternoon will be productive!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 3 of Flylady Babysteps

Today is Day 3 of the Babystep Challenge, and the post says:

Easy! So far:

  • My sink is shiny after last night
  • I am dressed to shoes (not lace-up; I'm wearing dress shoes today)
  • It's not even 9:00 yet and I'm almost ready for the work day! Still need to swap laundry and finish emptying the dishwasher – my IPod is loaded so I can listen to legal podcasts while I work.

Have a great day! If you're doing the babystep challenge too, leave a comment with your blog :)


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beginner Baby Steps – starting at Day 2

A bunch of Flyladies are going through her Beginner Baby Steps during June. I started doing this a few months ago, have a sticker chart and everything … and I'm on day 8. Sigh.

So, after debating for a day or so, I decided to "jump in where I am" and start on Day 2. We'll see how I'm doing so far.

Day 1: the first step is to shine my sink. My sink is not shiney now, but dishes are mostly done (did them after breakfast and prepping crock-pot dinner) and I can shine it tonight. Yay!

Day 2: Get up and get dressed to lace-up shoes, fix hair and face. I didn't have a lot of time to fix my face this morning (at least not to do makeup), but I did brush my hair and put on some moisturizer after I washed my face. I wore sandals rather than lace-up shoes, but they have been on my feet more or less all day, including when I went out for doctor appointments today.

So, I guess I can start where I am. Not too much work! (and not really any extra. J ) Now I'm off to shine my sink.